Data type in Python | Python for beginners


Data type in Python | Python for beginners

Data Types:

In programming, data type is an important concept.

Variables can store data of different types, and different types can do different things.

Data type list

1.       Number

·         Integers

·         Float

·         Complex Number

2.       Sequence Type

·         String

·         List

·         Tuple

3.       Dictionary

4.       Set

Python has the following data types built-in by default, in these categories:

Text Type:                str

Numeric Types:        intfloatcomplex

Sequence Types:      listtuplerange

Mapping Type:          dict

Set Types:                setfrozenset

Boolean Type:          bool

Binary Types:           bytesbytearraymemoryview

None Type:               NoneType

Python divided the data type in two categories “Mutable” and “Immutable”. Mutable object can change its state or contents and Immutable contents cannot.

Mutable Data Types:

·         List

·         Dictionary

·         Byte array

Immutable Data Types:

·         Int

·         Floar

·         Complex

·         String

·         Tuple

·         Set



x = 10

Print(x, type(x))

Output:                                10 <class Int>


X = 2.5

Print(x, type(x))

Output:                                2.5 <class float>


X= 2j

Print(x, type(x))

Output:                                (2j) <class complex>

String: - A string is a collection of one or more characters put in a single quote, double-quote or triple-quotes. Multiple line strings can be denoted using triple quote “”Or”””.

S = “This is a String”

Print(s, type(s))

Output:                                This is a String <class str>

S = “””

This is a String

This is a multi-line string


Print(s, type(s))

Output:                                This is a string

                                This is a multi-line string

                                <class str>

List:-List is an ordered sequence items. It is one of the most used data type in Python and is very flexible, you can change, edit or delete value in it. List defined in square brackets [ ].

Li = [10,20,30,’MK’]

Print(li, type(li))

Output:                                [10,20,30,’MK] <class list>

Tuple: - Tuple is an ordered sequence items same as list. It is defined with in parentheses ( ) where items are separated by commas but it is not flexible.

tp = (10,20,30,’MK’)

Print(tp, type(tp))

Output:                                [10,20,30,’MK] <class tuple>

Dictionary: - Dictionary is an unordered collection of key – value pairs. In Python, dictionaries defined within braces { } with each item being a pair in the form key : value. Keys are unique it is can’t repeated.

Di = {

                ‘Name’ : ‘Manoj’,

                ‘Age’     : ‘40’


Print(di, type(di))

Output:                                {‘Name’ : ‘Manoj’, ‘Age’     : ‘40’} <class dict>

Set:-A set is an unordered collection of items. Every set element is unique (no duplicate) and must be immutable (cannot be changed). Its defined within braces { }.

st = {1,2,3}

Print(st, type(st))

Output:                                {1,2,3} <class set>

Exercise: - 1 (Try it yourself) In Python, the data type is set when you assign a value to a variable:

Example                                                             Data Type

x = "Hello World"                                               str

x = 20                                                                  int

x = 20.5                                                               float

x = 1j                                                                   complex

x = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]                        list

x = ("apple", "banana", "cherry")                         tuple

x = range(6)                                                          range

x = {"name" : "John", "age" : 36}                        dict

x = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}                        set

x = frozenset({"apple", "banana", "cherry"})       frozenset

x = True                                                                bool

x = b"Hello"                                                         bytes

x = bytearray(5)                                                   bytearray

x = memoryview(bytes(5))                                  memoryview

x = None                                                              NoneType

Exercise: - 2 (Try it yourself) If you want to specify the data type, you can use the following constructor functions:

Example                                                        Data Type

x = str("Hello World")                                    str

x = int(20)                                                       int

x = float(20.5)                                                 float

x = complex(1j)                                              complex

x = list(("apple", "banana", "cherry"))            list

x = tuple(("apple", "banana", "cherry"))         tuple

x = range(6)                                                     range

x = dict(name="John", age=36)                      dict

x = set(("apple", "banana", "cherry"))             set

x = frozenset(("apple", "banana", "cherry"))   frozenset

x = bool(5)                                                        bool

x = bytes(5)                                                       bytes

x = bytearray(5)                                                bytearray

x = memoryview(bytes(5))                               memoryview

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