Excel 👉 How to Insert Multiple Pictures and Automatically Resize Selected Cells in MS Excel 2024

 Insert Pictures in Excel Neatly Sized to Fit Cells Automatically | Autofit pic in a cell

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Download VBA Code for FitPic - Clickhere

Download VBA Code for Multiple InsertPicture - Clickhere

Copy Code for FitPic:

Public Sub FitPic()
Dim PicWtoHRatio As Single
Dim CellWtoHRatio As Single
With Selection
PicWtoHRatio = .Width / .Height
End With
With Selection.TopLeftCell
CellWtoHRatio = .Width / .RowHeight
End With
Select Case PicWtoHRatio / CellWtoHRatio
Case Is > 1
With Selection
.Width = .TopLeftCell.Width
.Height = .Width / PicWtoHRatio
End With
Case Else
With Selection
.Height = .TopLeftCell.RowHeight
.Width = .Height * PicWtoHRatio
End With
End Select
With Selection
.Top = .TopLeftCell.Top
.Left = .TopLeftCell.Left
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Select a picture before running this macro."
End Sub

Copy Code for Multiple InsertPicture

'Code for Insert Multiple Picture in a time
'Share code with Computer Gyan Guruji "Manoj Kumar"
Sub InsertPictures()
Dim PicList() As Variant
Dim PicFormat As String
Dim Rng As Range
Dim sShape As Shape
On Error Resume Next
PicList = Application.GetOpenFilename(PicFormat, MultiSelect:=True)
xColIndex = Application.ActiveCell.Column
If IsArray(PicList) Then
xRowIndex = Application.ActiveCell.Row
For lLoop = LBound(PicList) To UBound(PicList)
Set Rng = Cells(xRowIndex, xColIndex)
Set sShape = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(PicList(lLoop), msoFalse, msoCTrue, Rng.Left, Rng.Top, Rng.Width, Rng.Height)
xRowIndex = xRowIndex + 1
End If
End Sub

Download VBA Code for FitPic - Clickhere

Download VBA Code for Multiple InsertPicture - Clickhere

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